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Surgical Center Deadline

(New York, NY) In a clear attempt to cut down on the high cost of hospital induced infections, Medicare has announced that it will no longer pay any additional costs incurred for treatment of eight specific conditions unless they were present at the time of admission. "This is a tremendous blow to the already fragile economic situation for hospitals and surgical centers," said DisinfectPro Vice President Isaac Braun. "One single MRSA blood or skin infection can completely wipe out the profitability of treatment. We stand read to help with our cost-effective portable disinfection technology."

Braun is corporate spokesperson for the New Jersey-based company that brought the new Xenon pulse UV eradiating disinfection technology to North America. "Hospital and surgical center acquired infections are costing the health care industry close to 30 billion dollars a year in needless additional treatment costs. Our DisinfectPro portable disinfection technology can virtually eliminate the threat of hospital and surgical center infection with as little as one 30 minute treatment a day." Braun's company announced this week that they had set aside funding to offer free trial demonstrations of this advanced technology to any surgical center or hospital requesting a test of the service. "We are virtually 100% successful in killing both airborne and hard surface germs," Braun said. "We can back up our claims and we're willing to spend significant resources to prove this to the American health care industry."

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